My top 5
- TV NEWS REPORT - whole class

Choose one or two anchors, and divide the rest of the class into groups of 2 or 3. Each group will create a news story (one weather etc) and then film them and put them all together! his is great to practice present perfect and past simple, and alot of fun!
- TV ADVERTISEMENT - small groups
Students choose or design a product and then create a 1 minute advertisement to promote it. These can be funny and are a great way to practise modals verbs!
- MUSIC VIDEO - small groups
Students choose a song and then create a music video to go with it, including acting at the start and at the end.

- MINI FILM - small groups
They are my top 5 video based projects.
Happy teaching!
I changed the font to black this time as people said the blue was difficult to read
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