Tuesday 14 November 2017

Activity of the week-- Banana!

Hi Guys,

A very quick and simple game to practice vocabulary!

Ask the students to choose a word that they learnt in that lesson, and to write a sentence using that word in context. For example, if the topic was 'reporting verbs', they might choose the word 'avoid' and the sentence might be as below.

"I always avoid watching films that are very romantic"

The student then erases the original word from the sentence.

"I always  ------  watching films that are very romantic"

The student then writes the word 'banana' instead of the original word.

"I always banana watching films that are very romantic".

Ask the students to read their sentences to one another, asking their partner to guess the original word. Students can then mingle around the room practising their sentences.

Excellent for ZNO exam skills!

Works particularly well with:

Gerund and infinitive
Phrasal verbs

Have fun!

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